About me

I am a Peruvian data scientist and sociologist interested in quantitative and qualitative research through programming languages. I am currently a student for a Master in Data Science at the University of Manchester (UK). My main strengths are discipline, organization and teamwork. Proud to be self-taught and the main critic of myself. Every time I face a new learning challenge I repeat to myself: "Anything worth doing is worth doing wrong in the beginning"

To know more about my professional profile you can check my CV/Resume(English version) or CV/Resume(Spanish version)

Things I Can Do

  • Use of programming languages: R & Python
  • Data visualization
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Statistical and critical analysis
  • Design of research strategies
  • Database exploration and management (SQL)

Some of my projects

Here I list some of the academic and non-academic projects that I am proud of. Please click on the images or titles to access the deliverables/products of each project.

Convolutional Neural Network to predict Pokemon images

Inspired by the anime game, I successfully developed and optimised a neural network with Keras that classifies first-generation Pokemon images. I conducted the project with a learning approach, exploring simple to more complex approaches using Transfer Learning (DenseNet) and hyperparameter optimisation.

Unsupervised Learning: Clustering McDonalds food

Using the nutritional information of the products offered by McDonalds, explore the optimal clustering using and comparing different algorithms such as KMeans, Kernel KM, Hierarchical Clustering & EM. In addition, the processing includes PCA for dimensionality reduction.

Time Series: Sales Forecasting - Rossmann

Using Python, I developed and optimised a model focused on forecasting the sales of about 1000 shops of the Rossman chain in Germany. Among other things, the accuracy of the model was very high due to good decisions in the cleaning process.

Obesity in Peru 2022

(Project written in Spanish) Using R, in this project I explored the influence of educational level and wealth on the probability of having obesity for men and women in Peru in 2022. The analysis contemplates the exploration of data at the departmental level. Winner of the research incentive award from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (#1 QS Ranking in Peru).

Data gathering in SQL - COVID19

Using the Our World in Data database, I wrote SQL queries that answered 12 research questions related to the management and impact of the pandemic in over 150 countries. Part of the information collected was used to build a dashboard in Tableau (see next project).

COVID 19 Monitor Center

Using my own queries, I created an interactive dashboard on the impact and management of the pandemic in over 150 countries. It covers data from January 2020 to April 2023.

Image Classification CIFAR100

I faced the challenge of classifying more than 50,000 low quality images from the CIFAR100 database. I compared different approaches to the problem and built a neural network with a satisfactory level of accuracy. The project relies on a pre-trained neural network: MobileNet. Access to report here

Supplier recommendations to Compania ACME - University of Manchester

(Group Work) Together with the team of master students (BeePy) we created, optimised and compared three statistical models to recommend service providers to the ACME company. This project was part of the Introduction to Python course at the University of Manchester and scored one of the top marks in the class.

Pokemon Stat Analysis Using Python

This was my first project using Python. It was an enjoyable challenge to make my first steps in this programming language meanwhile I answered some of the questions I had always had as a Pokemon fan

Contact Me

If you want to talk about some project or academic/professional opportunity to work together, please contact me to my personal email sergio.chavezl@pucp.edu.pe.